A living model of defined possibilities.
🕊️ Unanimous Consent
In order to birth a new civilization, we need a new collective agreement. Declaration
🔆 Purpose
A Collective defined by this Charter is organized for educational, spiritual, and beneficent purposes, and is established for furthering the upliftment of all people throughout the World and the betterment of life on planet Earth. Purpose
🔭 Vision
Create an inclusive next-culture network that is the basis for global harmony and progress.Vision
🧭 Mission
To build places and spaces where people can come to find and discover methods to attain physical, mental and spiritual well being and to make a contribution to the world that advances Loving Kindness.Bright Principles
⚖️ Values
Even if the values are not specified or consciously held by all participants, the values are reflected in the Collective behaviors.
🌍 Objectives
Building from a coherent center, radiate and share a living blueprint for regenerative living, whole permaculture, and well being.Objectives
We are in a period where humanity must not only face its critical challenges head-on but also gain deeper understanding and wisdom from these experiences.A Wise Transition
🛖 Village Model
🌳 Contribution Methodology
Proposal and contribution earn and reward in proportion to validatable impact, optimally and optionally to be agreed upon upon prior to determinate effort beginning using the Protocol.Love Recommended Accountability Process (P.LRAP).