Economy Of Exchange
Archearchy economics is simple to understand. The ones at the bottom of the economic gravity-well have the authority to assure that resources are not hoarded at the top but instead flow through every account in the economic ecosystem. This is similar to the 'Subak' system used in Bali, where the rice terrace caretakers at the bottom of the mountain assure that the water is not hoarded at the top of the mountain, but instead flows through every rice field on the mountain at the right time because this insures the best outcome for the whole village.
This is a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy directly applied which draws together the realms of the spirit, the human world and nature.
A Heart Community is itself an Economy of Exchange operating a Possibility Village and Gaian Nanonation.
Work in progress …
(Additional Protocols?)
(Interoperable Ledgers?)