Distributed Altruistic Foundation (DAF)
True Express Trust Indenture Agreement CFA
[being replaced with updated template]
Heart CommUnity DAF Council
[Names of People Committed to the Creation of this Agreement (signatories)]
[Witnesses/Participants present for some or all of the Creation of this DAF Agreement]
Foundation Circles
- Wisdom Center
- Elder Councils - To bring together a Global Elders Wisdom Council to facilitate the discussion around support and guidance on the times we find ourselves in now, and how we can best move forward cohesively as a global network and family.
- Education
- CommUnity Outreach / Events
- Practical Community Projects - Tangible anchors of transformation with local physical intentional gatherings and practical implementation
- Center Development - Intentional Communities, Eco-Villages, Landshares, and Sacred Territories
- Indigenous Wisdom Center
- Governance and Natural Law
- Food and Health Systems - mycoRestoration, Soil Regeneration, Permaculture, Distribution, Gardening, and CSA
- Clean Technology - Pyramid and Toroidal technology, Data Sovereignty, Water Systems, Graphene
- Educational Systems - Children, Young Adult, Adult, commUnity, Yoga
- Sacred Economics - Advanced Energy Share/Glocal currentSEEs/Public Banking/Holdings
Heart CommUnity offers a variety of programs that provide methods for anyone to attain physical, mental and spiritual well being with the mission to catalyze global commUnity revitalization. Heart CommUnity’s offerings allow participants to deepen their experience of life and reach their ultimate potential by weaving the wisdom of the Great Traditions and Indigenous Ancestors with the tools for today’s application. From its powerful programs for inner transformation to its inspiring projects for society, environment and education, Heart activities are designed to create an inclusive culture that is the basis for global harmony and progress.
- To establish fundraising/marketing campaigns to support selected projects
- To develop an effective video and outreach campaign production capacity
- To create a network of Research & Development Co-living/Co-working Communities where partner projects can be birthed and connected
- To partner with the White Lion Protection Trust, Tree of Light, Ancestral Medicine Revival, and others to support the ongoing sacred events and programs centered around and The Worldwide Indigenous Peoples Governance Charter, The Great Law of Peace, The 13 Laws of the White Lions
- To _______
- To _______
Influence Current-See
Coheart 1 111
Coheart 2 111
Coheart 3 111
Coheart __ 111
Equity Current-See
Coheart 1 111
Coheart 2 111
Coheart 3 111
Coheart __ 111
How others can receive:
- By Positively Resolved Proposal of the Primary Council
Mission-Metrics Current-Sees
How do we know the mission is being accomplished?
[Other Current-Sees (Equity?)]
[Current real-world assets, including who holds externally enforceable title or control currently]
[Real-world assets that intend to be contributed, and when]
Non-profit entity
- Partnerships
- Fiscal Sponsorship
- Bank Account
Brand Assets
- Logo
- Wordmark
- Website
- Social Media Pages
- Social Media Groups
- Marketing/Communications Handbook
- Brand Handbook
Group Tools Administration
- Notion
- Google Apps
- Workplace
- Hubcast Media
- Trello
Governance Protocols
Administrative Systems
Proposal Initiation Methodology
[Explain how proposals are initiated. Include what level of transparency exists for non-members.]
Proposals are Initiated verbally during council sessions or interactive video calls when at least 55% of DAF currentSee holders are present.
Proposal Iteration Methodology
[Explain how proposals get processed by the holders of Influence Currency, including how Resolution is invoked. Include what level of transparency exists for non-members.]
Proposals are Iterated verbally during council sessions or interactive video calls when at least 55% of DAF currentSee holders are present.
Proposal Resolution Methodology
[Explain how proposals get approved or rejected. Include what level of transparency exists for non-members.]
Proposals are Resolved Positively during council sessions or interactive video calls when at least 70% of DAF currentSee holders agree to Resolve it Positively. At the time of resolution, DAF currentSee holders will work together to document (on the Resolutions Ledger) how/when/who Initiated and Iterated the proposal, and what the final proposal was, and what each DAF currentSee holders Resolution preference was, including any dissenting opinion.
Jurisdiction / Dispute Resolution
[Is it time to consider how external jurisdictional assertions might be handled]
Heart Community is an Express Trust acting as a private Distributed Altrustic Foundation (DAF).
Initial Team Accountabilities
[Be Specific]
- Team Platform/Tools Setup & Playbook - Operations Circle/Primary Council
- Complete Negotiations for Asset Contributions - Primary Council
- World Peace Week Campaign - Special Projects Circle
- Four Winds Convergence Campaign - Media/Special Projects Circle
- Media Production Setup & Playbook - Media Circle
- DAF Crowdfunding Campaign - Operations Circle
- Negotiate Fiscal Sponsorship agreement with Sine/We The World/Open Collective
- Create Facebook events for meetings - Communications Circle
- Project Lifecycle Setup & Playbook - Primary Council
- Education Programs Setup & Playbook - Education Council
- Update the Main Website - Communications Circle
- Social Media Playbook - Media/Communications Circle
- Worldwide Indigenous Peoples Governance Charter Program- Special Projects Circle/Primary Council
Operational Notes
[Meeting times, requirements to maintain Influence Currency, specific plans, etc]
- We agree to use timely & accountable communications
- Primary Council meeting every other week ________ @ ______ Pacific
- DAF currentSee holders present will be witnesses only, and remain muted
- Open meeting for team building / client relationship building once per month Tuesdays ________ @ ______ Pacific
With all the energy present within me as a living being, and in full service and honor to the beauty of life and the wonder of the Universe, I pledge to recognize and honor the power that is present by entering into unified agreement with my peers from a place of deep sovereign choice.
References & Resources
- Worldwide Indigenous People Governance Charter
- The Peacemakers Journey and The Great Law of Peace
- Personhood, Not Property: Granting Ecosystems Legal Rights and Aligning Human Law with Natural Law
- Protocol.Love