That, of course is a simplified and generalized definition, yet it gives you a simple place to start understanding what a Uniform Team might be about.
The way a Uniform Team makes decisions is by some kind of unanimous vote, whether that is 51% majority, Consensus Minus One, the Resistance Method, or the choice of the Benevolent Dictator, all is chosen together.
The result is the assumption that the members of a Uniform Team should all agree.
They should use the same thoughtware.
They should seek equality.
They should not make creative moves until after they have presented their idea and the whole Team agrees that they should go ahead and create the thing.
The motivation for being on a Uniform Team can come from a longing for being accepted, fitting in, finding a family of like-minded friends, and knowing about and approving what the Team is up to.
On a Uniform Team the Team's evolutionary steps are somehow more predictable, organized, comprehensible, and... uniform.